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user-inactivated  ·  4048 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Why You Don't Actually 'F*cking Love Science'

    they just can't throw around the kind of money the government can no matter how high dues go.

No they can't, but then it's not at all certain that that kind of money is going to keep coming from the government either. Substantial and reliable government funding came because it was a military advantage, and is going away now that it isn't. If there isn't enough support to keep government funding anyway, then there needs to be some other way of supporting the work.

    Independent of party and other policy positions, I will support any candidate who throws their weight behind increased funding for NIH, NSF, et al.

Agreed, I just think it's a good time to consider what happens when those candidates continue not to appear.