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halfdood  ·  4029 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Unconscious Positivity: How to Ingrain Happiness Into Your Life

I have chronic depression. As hectic as that sounds it isn't so bad. It just means I have more than 4 depressive episodes a year (about once a month is accurate) and the episodes aren't as intense as many others experience. I can get by without medication. Being positive can't rid you of all kinds of funk. I am a pretty positive person and there is diddly squat I can do about it when my chemical balance decides to flip belly up. Being positive takes the majority of the edge out of it though. I know why my food tastes bland or why I suddenly just feel like I want to spend the rest of the week in bed. I know that it is worth going out and doing things when I feel like it isn't. I know people care for me deeply when I feel like I am unloved. Being positive makes my depression an inconvenience, but it doesn't take it away.