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notseamus · 4809 days ago · link · · parent · post: Movie audiences shrink below post-Sept. 11 level
I've been to the cinema 6 times since September (Midnight in Paris, Inni, We Need to Talk About Kevin, Drive, Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy, and something else), so I go quite a bit, but I'd literally rather shoot my dick off than go see anything in that top ten list other than Hugo.
I will go to see The Artist ( when it's out, but that the week's main billing is New Year's Eve, a movie that everyone involved should be ashamed of ( , key quote 'I haven't thought I was going to be sick like that since Human Centipede 2'). Look what's there! Jack and Jill! And then it's supposed to be a surprise that people aren't going to the cinema. It's a shame that Tinker Tailor isn't doing better, I thought it was fantastic. Most of what's there is terrible, and that's all anyone needs to know about why people are just not bothering.