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gordonz88  ·  4003 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: What's up Hubski?

I'm still in Seattle, and, well I don't know if anyone still cares, but I'm not quite where I thought I'd be, in life and otherwise. I'm sorry about the huge hiatus I've taken, but I never thought a year could make such a difference on me, but when you've only been alive for so many of them I guess it's a given.

Well, I guess it's time to change my site bio eh?

It's not bad, really it's just odd how much you think you might know yourself only to have it all turn upside down in a matter of months.

You know, it really hasn't been raining all that much here though.

Halloween is over so all that's left here are clouds and cold, but thankfully I think it's the perfect weather to walk alone and think in.

You know what the worst part is? The thought that since I'm constantly reevaluating my personhood, I can't ever see myself finding a friend, let alone a partner, that I can relate with forever. I know it's a terrible thing to say, but sometimes I wish I'd just grow up.