I bailed on bars right about the time those fuckheads out in Montauk invented "bottle service." That, right there, was a capitulation of the art of bartending - so much so that the people who still could decided they were "mixologists" and magnified their douchebaggery by a factor of ten. Fact of the matter is, at an "upscale" bar you pay $18 for a double of Maker's. Same double is $7 at a dive bar. That's an increase of $11 on something that has a raw cost of approximately $2 to start with. And you know what? If I'm charging some asshole $7 for a Newcastle, he can hem and haw all he wants about "eclipse amber" or some shit. I'm making $1 or $2 for pulling the handle on that one and the bar is making $4 for the labor equivalent of playing a slot machine; I can STFU about my patrons.