This is a most intriguing prospect, delta. I'm definitely up for giving it a shot. You are envisioning the option to add a pictorial element, almost like achieving a vid podcast quality to the vox? I want to build avenues that encourage person to person conversations, but why not incorporate a collective, collaborative element as well? I'm wondering: won't lines of conversation quickly fork and exponentiate in a collective setting? Or have I missed a key detail? Forgive me, despite my recent tiny and faltering foray into learning Ruby, I'm still completely out of my element as far as building sites/platforms is concerned. I do have space/server via a web host, and can definitely allot pages/bandwidth to such expansions of the project. I have concerns that anything of scope will quickly outstrip my total bandwidth though. Maybe not though, if we were to use imgr/soundcloud. But free usage of these has severe data limitations. I have been wondering whether we could incorporate our google drives/dropboxes/etc. to solve the space problem. Does that sound helpful? What do you think? Also, b_b, wasoxygen, mk, humanodon, insomniasexx? I'm outta my league here ...