It's pronounced "SEY-ton." My real name is Dante. Dante is never available for online handles, but things that start with 'ps' always are. I live in West Hollywood, where I telecommute to a job I used to do in Boston. I do high-end tech support for server automation software. I like Prussian blue, teal, and cranberry. I moved here because my then-fiancee, now wife of a year, got a job as an art curator. She is originally from New Hampshire and I am originally from Utica, New York (about 250 miles northwest of Manhattan). We have two cats that are way too photogenic. I really miss doing radio. I mean, it was like heroin. I have an epic knowledge of the history of music and comedians. I tend to change which station I stream twice a day, so I'd love to know of a few that others like for eclectic stuff. I build computers, learn stuff, write, cook. I have an obsession with subways, streetcars, and bridges. I was on a trivia show for three years with cwenham. I had never worn metal jewelry until the day I got married. I had chicken pox twice, but never with a fever. Thus I am terrified of getting shingles. I had mono back in '99. I drive stick, as various gods intended. I like geuze. Edit: I forgot to mention that I'm 38... and a half.