Thank you for your service. I really can't express the kind of love and respect I feel towards servicemembers. If i had half the guts you do, I'd be on my way to a recruitment center right now. Just hope you know people will always appreciate and remember the work you've done, even if you might not want to.I like pushing my mind and my body to its limits. This has manifested itself in some strange ways. I'm a big believer in steering my life into what my brain might consider enemy territory.
This might not really be what you're talking about but, have you ever done a Spartan Race? It's an incredible test of mind and body. I ran the shortest one called the Spartan Sprint this last spring, and when I crossed the finish line bruised, battered and covered in mud, all I wanted to do was run again :) is a cool motivational promo they did, check out their website if you'rei nterested.