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forwardslash · 4101 days ago · link · · parent · post: Achievement Porn: Getting off the pretend treadmill and going for a real walk.
Same here, I personally have seen a number of people who are hampered socially and financially by their gaming. It's really hard to keep up a conversation, or have anything more than a casual acquaintanceship, with someone who has absolutely nothing to talk about other than video games. I'm still a gamer so I can usually find something to converse about, but what made me realize how detrimental games could be was Magic: The Gathering and the recent popularity of MOBAs. I've never felt so alienated and than when a group of friends spent hours at a dinner get-together debating the finer points of League of Legends. Really put things in perspective for me.Anecdotally, I've seen them do more bad than good,