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Kafke  ·  3964 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: What was your big 'The future is now!' moment

Honestly, I just ordered pizza online for the first time today. I'm seriously baffled. Click a few buttons on a website (something I do daily) and pizza just magically appears at my apartment a few minutes later. Visually nothing changed, some guy just appeared and gave me pizza. But a lot happened under the surface.

It caught me off guard. Wasn't expecting to feel like that.

As for just general tech (that's new):

AirPlay and AirDrop on Mac. Wireless file transfer and screen sharing. Just amazing. I literally have no wires coming from my computer all day and I can chat online, send files to people, stream video to an external monitor, and so much more stuff. All on a small tiny piece of metal that sits on my lap. WTF?

And finally, Oculus Rift. That's definitely the future. To put it simply, it's like Sword Art Online. You instantly get immersed with your environment. The only problem is it feels like there's a net over your face. The new version supposedly fixes the "grid" issue and makes it a bit lighter with a higher resolution. So that should be fixed when the product comes out. Definitely going to pick one up.

Oh, and the fact I can find people who like the same music I do online. Last.FM tells me there are only like 50-100 people who listen to the music I do (which I found in obscure locations online, and it originated in japan). Last.FM also lets me connect and chat with those people. In a world of isolation because of interests, the internet definitely helps connect people.