That is a small percentage of the photos available. Cell phones are a blessing and a curse. Had I been serious about it, I would have brought out the Canon. I am not serious about it. So two things: 1) I have been on not one, not two, but six seasons of television with Gordon Ramsay. I am down with "chiffonade." Hell, I even know what it means to "gratinate" and I can use the phrase "*mise en place*" in a sentence. I'm not sure what "two plants worth" of basil is. There's a fair amount of swing in the sauce's consistency and flavor depending on one's interpretation. 2) So the fancy schmancy tomato paste you use, like, toothpaste amounts, right? A little dab'll do ya. I ain't never bought it. The canned stuff, though, I know that shit. When I'm feeling kind of adventurous but not so adventurous to start with tomatoes, two cans paste, two cans tomatoes two cans sauce + herbs is marinara. The tube? Much like with the basil, this is one of those independent variables that generates a lot of scatter on the normal distribuiton. bonus) "mom-style" vs. "dad-style" = ???