Dunno. Gotta keep in mind: when I started in college, "fuel injection" was something that you didn't mess with. You could chip a modern car and make it go faster but a 350 with TPI was pretty much the shit. Fast forward 20 years and a buddy of mine is reliving his Landcruiser fetish and he's got yet another with a 327. Lo and behold, a 350 with TPI is still the shit. It's like car culture hit 1992 and just sorta stopped. I mean, even the ricers don't really go for modern rides anymore. The stupid stereo twits will buy something new and put eleventy seven LCD screens in it, but if you're actually dealing with the mechanicals you're probably working on a '98 Prelude. Presuming you're working on it at all. The kids aren't buying cars, and they aren't driving anywhere, so why would they give a shit?That is seriously shocking. Was that unusual at the time? I wonder what it's like now across the US . . .