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thatguywithshoes  ·  3930 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: A Parallel Between Present Society and Pre-Industrial Revolution Society

I would say that the world became more centralized with the emergence of national states. Industry became more centralized. Cities grew and grow further still. Scientific, industrial and societal structures became bigger and bigger. Today we have multinational companies. Researchers from all over the world working on huge projects. Much of our technologie is impossible to research, create and maintain without cooperation in huge centralized organizations. The information is much more easy to tranfer may make in some cases make the physical attendance less and less important but this does not negate the need for centralized structures. I would argue that we are still lightyears aways from a revolution you imagine.

Also a free flow of information does not automatically mean it will be used. Without any guidance many people just will use it to validate their most baseless believes. The speed and freedom of transfer and creation of information might also lead to magnify the effects of fearmongering and propaganda. The emerging media at his time helped hitler a great bit.

All in all I'm much more pessimistic. But we'll see. The Weltgeist will materialize ;)....