For a while, I thought that all I wanted in life was freedom and for a while I was about as free as a modern person could be: no debt, no real obligations and no significant financial barriers to things I was interested in doing. However, that degree of freedom meant that I wasn't really invested in anything. I did make some great friends and see and do some incredible things, but eventually for lack of a better description, I got bored. Now, I'm working toward being a person of substance. For the moment, that entails working toward another degree in a field that I feel is important and that I would be happy and possibly well-rewarded in. I imagine that on the way a number of opportunities will arise and those are what I'm really after. If it doesn't work out, then it'll be time to change again. If that happens, I'll at least have more life experience under my belt and another perspective on the kind of life I'd like to lead from then on.