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rooibos  ·  3922 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Time for a Blitski?

    I know that some people are hesitant to have new people on the site

So, why not keep the recruitment effort more in line with the spirit of the site? Instead of putting just another low-effort, generalized-rather-than-personalized link to hubski on your facebook page or twitter feed, why not something that is slower/more thoughtful/more personalized?

Think of a person or the people you know who don't participate in hubski, and whom you think would enjoy hubski most and would make better than the-current-average-quality contributions to it, and give them a personal invite. Or if you post a public invitation, make it in the places of highest discussion or content quality you know of. You know what I'm talking about. That hidden gem subreddit with only a dozen subscribers that you keep secret from your own mother.

Or don't invite anyone, that's fine too. But in that case, you have to buy a round for everyone.