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veen  ·  3922 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Time for a Blitski?

    If Hubski is indeed like a bar, isn't it nice to have a few new faces walk through the door?

Ofcourse it is! But we do get new faces every now and then, because of people casually walking through that bar door. It is a good idea to remind people to suggest hubski to others, as a modest influx of users is always nice, but a site-wide 'blitz' doesn't sound like something the site needs.

I mean, do we really need it? I don't want hubski to grow for growth's sake: too many sites do that already and while new faces are always welcome, the need for much more of them doesn't seem apparent to me. Too often growth is equated with progression, while in hubski's case it might mean a loss of quality. On top of that, a personalized ad campaign (thats what this feels like to me) doesn't really fit with the philosophy behind hubski, as far as I can tell. A reminder to tell potentially interested people is enough I think.