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lil  ·  3922 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Time for a Blitski?

Thanks for the shoutout tng. I had been following this discussion as it developed.

I've told numerous people about hubski. A few sign up to respond to my blogs via DvH but don't seem to linger.

This all leads me to wondering what it means to "get it." It could be that all kinds of people get it -- but not everybody has that particular yearning. What leads people to fall in love with their hubski friends and spend time encouraging them, commenting on their thoughts, finding and posting things that might be interesting to them, and eventually seeking them out in meet-ups -- even if it means staying sober enough to go back across the border and drive for four hours towards the dawn?

We definitely need new people because so many people seem to drop by, seem to truly get it (think littlebirdie), but then leave because their longings take them elsewhere.

For some reason, we who have stayed find something particular that suits our on-line time, our technology, our interests, our passions, or our need for distractions -- whether it's the #weeklymusicthread or #vaguequestionsbypablo or tng's podcasts.

I doubt that even mk can quantify what getting it and keeping it involves. At least not yet.