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user-inactivated  ·  3906 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Hubski what is your idealogy? Political, Spiritual, Personal.

Political: I suppose liberal, though attempting a degree in Political Science has made me hate politics, so I don't really look into them unless it involves me greatly.

Spiritual: Muslim, though again, I don't really worry about it. I'm not the metaphysical type, thinking about "where I am in the universe" always seemed to be a waste of time to me. Probably why I was subpar in Philosophy.

Personal: There are a lot of aspects to this, and they are subject to change as I grow and experience more of the world - hell, even the above will probably change as I get older. This is probably a part of my personal ideology in and of itself - constant growth and change.

Who the hell cares? This is the first part. It honestly amazes me how much people care about what everyone else is doing. If it doesn't affect you, why does it matter? Being caught up in other people's lives when there's no need puts me on edge.

A good meal triumphs over all. Pretty self-explanatory. I'm of the mind that literally nothing can beat good food. It's a simple pleasure, and makes me happy. I guess a more broad definition of this would then be simple pleasures are the best.

Relax. As I've gotten older, I've gotten less and less high strung about things. I try to put myself in the mindset constantly that "this probably won't matter in 5 years." It's been amazingly good for my mental health, in my opinion.

Make people happy just 'cause. I enjoy doing things that make people happy without getting anything in return, emotional or physical. I buy/make things for people I care about all the time, just to express the fact that I enjoy them as people, and because I enjoy seeing them happy. This can also hold true for people I don't know either - one of my favorite parts of the previous year was buying a bundle of roses and handing them out to people through-out my area. Perhaps I'll write about it one of these days.

This is probably a hasty response. My apologies.