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kleinbl00  ·  3906 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Forget State Lines — This Map Shows You How America is Really Divided - PolicyMic

The stupid thing is that Americans have been talking about "the great lakes REGION" and the "mid-Atlantic REGION" and the Gulf Coast REGION" for a hundred years or more. Putting it on a map doesn't really accomplish much other than going "yep, that's what it looks like from space." As a driver of policy, it's lacking.

Postwar is a great book. I'd put it up there with Bible and Sword and The Dead Hand. What's really interesting is he blows 800 pages (or so - I did it as an audiobook) basically laying out the chronology and causes of every move in post-war Europe, then finishes it all up with an "epilogue" paper that says, in no uncertain terms, "it's all because Europe hates Jews." And damned if he doesn't make some salient points.

I bought the first 7 volumes of Toynbee. That's gonna be a mutherfucker.