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theadvancedapes  ·  3905 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: The Road to Superintelligence

    Is it really omniscience if I have a personal assistant that provides information for me? Technically, Siri and Wikipedia does just that

Yes, but Siri is useless, and we don't have a knowledge base on the Internet to make sense of everything on Wikipedia for us. Siri and Wikipedia are primitive precursors of what's to come. And this isn't about us being omniscient. This is about us interacting with an omniscient knowledge base.

    I'm not convinced we'll soon be creating everything we want from our homes.

You won't necessarily be creating everything you want, but you will be able to order anything you want from the Internet and find it printed out for you at home. All for next to nothing. There is no reason to suspect that you won't have torrents for things like violins, bikes, or even cars.

    The description could just as well be about the internet itself, with its improved connectivity, abundance and education potential.

Internet is the medium that we are building the global brain with. But the Internet is not yet fully mature, as it is not yet a single information processing system for the entirety of human interaction, as well as human transportation and energy use. But that is where we are heading. The Internet by itself cannot provide material abundance, we need to build ICT that will allow us to integrate technologies to get abundance for all. Same goes for connectivity and education. Our Internet isn't equipped with advanced AI software helpers or semantic knowledges bases, etc.