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kleinbl00  ·  4038 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: How to Land Your Kid in Therapy - Lori Gottlieb - The Atlantic

Let's look up the whole poem:

I dated a psychoanalyst's daughter for four years. His sentiment was the same as the poem: "It's not if you'll fuck up your kids, it's how badly." So what are you gonna do? My approach has been to minimize the blowback but accept that I will screw some things up. Far more important to live my life and let my daughter live hers.

That's something I've noticed about parenting, American-style: it's awfully presumptive. This article is a perfect example: it's about parenting, but doesn't even bother mentioning kids. It BLOWS MY MIND. My daughter is a complex system who will gladly give me many outputs for every input. She's interactive as fuck. And you can directly see the outcome of everything you do.

Mostly, my daughter enjoys interacting with pets, people and inanimate objects in that approximate order. She does so in a charming and predictable manner. She tests her boundaries with regularity, and if she feels that the boundaries are not in the right place, she throws up warning flags (the last time she tried to eat my iPhone while I wasn't looking, she cried out "NOOOO!" very loudly so I would know to stop her). There isn't a lot in her that I didn't put there, and the stuff that's new to me is a joy to discover.

And yeah - she cries when I put her to bed. And yeah - she throws food for no (socially acceptable) reason. But all she's doing is testing her boundaries and asserting her wants. She trusts me enough to know that what she gets is safe. "Fish sticks or grilled cheese?" this is not an Omega Quandary. This is a "you are eating one of these things or you are not eating" decision.

I keep coming back to Bringing Up BeBe. The idea that being a parent is about subverting yourself to parenting is just… awful. My kid likes playing in her room by herself unsupervised for 20 minutes at a time and she just started walking yesterday. What is it about modern parenting culture that tweaks people out so much?