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uh_oh  ·  3898 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Lil's Book of Questions: What Made You Know the Relationship Was Over?

I'm smart enough to know when something's not working. I'm just not strong enough to admit when there's nothing more I can do about it. I was the always one walking away with a farewell until my last girlfriend, who I wanted to give everything to, experience everything with, and create purpose in our world. I couldn't convince her it wasn't pointless because we were so far away, and I didn't have anything to show for it but promises.

I hoped falsely she would understand our potential and be patient enough for us to see each other again, because distance seemed so superficial. Unfortunately, it was a wall big enough for her to walk away from.

It didn't stop me from trying to shout over that wall for like 2 months before she had to turn around and tell me she was done for good. It sucked to hear, but it hurt a lot more to understand.