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kleinbl00  ·  3890 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Can We Avoid a Surveillance State Dystopia?

When I say "OPSEC" what do you hear?

Technically speaking, "operational security" means "not drawing attention to yourself." That's the real drawback of PGP, TOR, burners, encryption and anonymity of any kind: it announces "I HAVE SOMETHING I DON'T WANT YOU TO KNOW ABOUT." Note that the Universal Declaration of Human Rights - of which the US is a signatory - enshrines everyone's right to privacy. However, if you're dealing with the world's largest haystack you're going to be drawn to the shiny parts.

Encryption is shiny. Even if you've got nothing going on, you're basically double-dog daring someone to get up in your business. True - they probably won't be able to. Right now. But everything you don't encrypt suddenly becomes more interesting. Your bank doesn't encrypt your records - in fact, they're required by law to report large cash transactions. Your phone company doesn't encrypt your calls - and associating a credit card number with a phone with an IP is the simplest thing when you're The Man. So you're left in a position of encrypt all the things in order to not draw attention to yourself or sliding under the radar and banking on the fact that in a haystack the size of Venus your little needle just isn't that noteworthy.