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user-inactivated  ·  3891 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: I'm the Duke University Freshman Porn Star and for the First Time I'm Telling the Story in my Words

Okay, much clearer (to me) now. Let me summarize for my own benefit -- you say she's complaining about the stigma, which happens to be the very thing that's making her money. So in at least that sense she's either naive or a hypocrite depending how harsh you want to be.

I get that. However, it seems to me that paid-for porn wouldn't exist if it weren't demanded. Can we not have the industry without the stigma? In the Business Insider article you linked, top agents are taking home 250k. Thus not unreasonable to imagine that this girl can at minimum take a significant chunk out of her (60k/yr) tuition. Don't know how much. Presumably she did some math before she started (hell, I hope). So yeah I get your point -- the stigma jacks up her profit. Straight guys go into gay porn for a reason. But "take away the stigma and suddenly she gets nothing" is wrong. Minus the stigma, she's still doing decently money-wise for a college student.

So the crux of my argument: there shouldn't be a stigma against porn stars, and even without it she'd still be making some money (and every little bit helps in college!) and thus she has a reasonable right to complain when she's called a slut and so on.


As far as insults -- let me be as clear as possible: I enjoy almost all of your posts. I don't mind being insulted particularly; how you type is how I tend to talk in real life. I like sarcastic verbal sparring, jokes with an edge, bluntness, whatever. But you can't accuse me of ad hominem when in your previous post you include this exchange:

    I don't know what else to say.


An insult is an insult is an insult. Especially when my insult was followed with "But I know you wouldn't do that without a point." It seems like cherry-picking to me, and I've seen you do this elsewhere. I choose not to take offense most of the time, but here you assigned my words meaning I didn't intend so I'm bringing it up.

I think it's a shame, because our semi-frequent discussions on hubski would be a lot smoother and more efficient if you didn't jump to find insults in things. Can you assume in future as I do that any insults given are given in the spirit of humor/teaching or are caused by misconstrued meaning?