This is the thing. There is a line. The line is when you accept money for having sex. It changes what sex is. So if I sleep with 80 guys to explore myself and my sexuality and enjoy it, that's one thing. It's an entirely different thing to have sex with 80 guys for a porn company because porn is no longer about me personally fulfilling my personal sexual desires and exploring my sexuality. It is about delivering what the people who pay me want me to deliver. Of course the girls think they are in control in porn and they get pleasure from it. If they didn't have that, they would be unable to perform because that would be rape. The reality is, porn's only goal is to get a good scene to be sold to make money. Porn doesn't care how sexually turned on she is or whether or not she wants to do it. But, porn will let her believe she wants to do it because that's going to help accomplish the goal (and not be rape). So when she say things like "porn empowers me" and "I enjoy it" it's a big pile of manipulated bullshit. Let's see her try to change the direction of the scene or walk off set. What do you think is going to happen? That's when she'll be empowered. But she also will no longer creating porn or getting paid.