Hopefully, at the very least Reich, Warren et al can at least advance the conversation about inequality to a meaningful place, and not just something policy pundits discuss on Sunday news shows. Reich has been aggressively talking about inequality for a number of years now, and he's certainly the left's best authority on the subject. I also share your fears that Clinton is about as status quo as they come. It will be business as usual with her. As for the GOP, it seems like they've already anointed Jeb Bush, but there's a lot of time between now and then. I think it would be very interesting and awesome to see a Warren v. Rand Paul race. I can't say I agree with very many of Paul's policy stances (save for a few, such as his aversion to domestic spying and drone use), but to have a race between two outside-the-box thinking would be really good for the country (and probably for the world, by extension). I can't say I didn't slightly enjoy watching Chris Christie's monumental collapse.