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am_Unition  ·  3877 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Extending the Mind

Nice little write up, thank you. :)

My only beef is with your statement that humans are exclusively concept-based thinkers. Other mammals have definitely shown a propensity for conceptualization, even elephants. We definitely take the cake in terms of complexity though, no doubt.

I vaguely recall hearing someone's musings, I think it was Terence McKenna (sorry everyone!!), who theorized that language arose out of a frustration exactly like what's mentioned in your write up. Complex social situations existed, but there was no protocol for communicating them. This frustration probably drove our ancestors crazy, and necessitated the need for language.

It will be interesting to see whether or not the shortcomings of language will play into the next, even more complex, more efficient protocol of communications. One example is spatial information. Many times I'll have an understanding of a three-dimensional concept that takes far too many words and two-dimensional pictures to communicate. It's best to have a 3D CAD software to zoom around together with the other person/people, during which I use words as a crutch to fill in any gaps in understanding. Another example is exposing the different interpretations of subjective words (like "god") without having to rely on words to do so... two people immediately understanding how the other perceives a concept, seemingly telepathically. Of course, any new adaption at this point won't be biological, but will instead manifest as a physical technology. Cue relevant scenes from The Matrix.

I really dig the future, I just hate getting older.