You do realize this article has ties to the industry, and is therefore suspect in terms of bias - I mean, that is clear, right? Every minute of every day, a bank is under cyber attack Murder suspect's bombshell claims raise questions My point is the internet is a fine place to indulge in criminal behavior, if that is one's inclination. Parents have a right, some might say, an obligation to exhibit some level of concern over their children's use of the internet, precisely because of the access the internet may provide to criminals - of all kinds. Whether forbidding your children to use MySpace or FaceBook is a good thing or not I can't say - but I would note that since that right wing scumbag Murdoch bought MySpace the blogs just have not been the same, and as for FaceBook - well. Fuk FaceBook, and Fuk Zuckerberg.This article is taken from It’s Complicated: The Social Lives of Networked Teens, written by danah boyd, Principal Researcher at Microsoft Research, and published by Yale University Press.
Cases are rarely publicised, but online crime is one of the financial system’s biggest threats
Philip Markoff - The Craigslist Killer (CNN) -- Reporter Francis Scarcella walked into the Northumberland County Prison in Sunbury, Pennsylvania, with plenty of questions for the woman accused along with her husband of luring a man with a Craigslist ad, then killing him.
Philip Markoff was in his second year of medical school when he was arrested for robbery and murder. He earned the moniker "Craigslist Killer" because it was believed that he found his victims through the exotic ads that they placed on Craigslist.