Looks are important because they provide the first impression of yourself to others, in most situations. Prior to a person hearing you speak, or learning your quirks and personality they know how you look. It's a powerful aspect, because sight typically comes first. It sounds superficial but every person I've approached has been because I liked how they looked first, and then everything else came after. That said, I do think that a lot of people go way too far with deriving self-worth from their looks, and fretting about every little aspect of their body. I think a person that is happy with their overall body is better off than a person that isn't, and there really is something for everyone in terms of what is attractive. We all have our preferences. I used to be really down on my body, despite not being overweight and not having terrible skin or anything of that sort. It's one of those things where how can you expect others to be happy with you if you're happy with you. First you must conquer yourself, and then others. I agree with the sentiments of selling yourself short as opposed to being overly confident.