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humanodon  ·  3827 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Hubski, What Are Some Of Your Personal (Dating) Relationship Guidelines/Rules?

That does sound like a lot of stress and a lot of change. Maybe you feel like a cigarette is something concrete to hold on to? Personally, I'm learning to coil because I don't think I'll be weaning myself off of e-cigs anytime soon and I feel like the novelty of the whole RBA and mech thing will help me stay off of analogs. I'm considering stepping my juice down as well, but mostly because when I blow 36mg vapor through my nose I sometimes get a headache. I'm gonna sample some 18mg when my mech stuff comes in.

I'll take you at your word. I hope all your stuff goes off smoothly!