I'm game, let's give it a shot. The fallacy of the belief in government: any government. Before I start I want you to think about the fact that there is no such thing as legitimate government, or even that there is such a thing as Government. Right now, we're as a species in big problems, mainly because we obey rules made up by others in their self-interest instead of serving the public good. The crisis of '08 which still hasn't ended and has crippled a generation turned out to be a text-book example of cronyism and self-serving legalized theft. Many people wail and complain and try to adress the problems they face with unjust laws, stifling rules and the lack of justice, without realizing one essential fact. There is no government. Government has no body, no reality except for a few lines written down on a piece of paper saying there's a government.
There never was. It's an idea whose time has come to be mocked. The idea that ANYONE has the right to order someone else to do something by threatening them with force ( 'Obey the law or we'll throw you in jail and steal all your money') is an abhorrence to anything which even slightly resembles something humane. In other words, the belief there's something as someone who has the right to rule you and order you to do things which go against your own free will is lunacy. And we're collectively hallucinating. Think about this. From the day you're born you're given a serial number (your social security number) which grants you certain civil rights. These civil rights are codified (i.e. written down) natural rights (i.e. rights you have, which are inherent and which can NEVER be taken away from you).
However, civil rights CAN be changed as well as taken away. If they have been given to you by a 'higher power', then they can be taken away by the same entity which gave them to you. These civil rights and this social contract make you subject to certain obligations, when you're no more than a few days old. These rules control you, tell you what you can and cannot do (even if you're not hurting anyone but yourself; or not even hurt yourself!). You are not allowed to decide for yourself, but should obey to Government, the people who claim they're Government and the rules written on a piece of paper by the same people who now tell you you should obey because it's the Law. Even if this goes against every moral fibre in your body. You are now property of the State. Congratulations.
If the idea of Governance is based on the idea of the Social Contract, this contract has been made iwith someone who didn't comprehend it due to the fact s/he was a baby at the time and was not aware of all the rules, obligations, regulations and ever-dwindling rights and it is therefore null and void. If Governance is 'by consent' then being no longer prepared to participate in said State dissolves the idea of Government as well. In short: the idea there is really something as 'Government' is a fallacy, being either a coercion which is never legitimate; or it is a fiction which works only if you consent to it. Either way, Government as an reality does not exist and the sooner we realize this as a species, the sooner we can throw off the shackles which keep us going straight off the cliff.