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Kaius  ·  3812 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Here's what $800 in rent gets you in 11 major cities

Well rural U.S. is also remote, rural Ireland due to the size of the country cannot really be considered remote. At least nowhere near the same scale. I don't think you are ever more than 3-4 hours drive from the capital city (Dublin) no matter where on the island you live...

Unemployment is pretty high at the moment but even so there is not a lot of subsistence hunting or farming. Many smaller towns with easy commute have retail, tourism, services related work. There is also a pretty healthy IT sector here so if you have qualifications you will get a job (maybe not as well paid as in other countries though).

Many people (myself included) would live in a relatively rural area and commute to a larger town for work.