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user-inactivated · 3852 days ago · link · · parent · post: NSA's XKeyscore source code leaked! Shows Tor users classified as "extremists"; all visitors to Tor website are watched.
Two years ago I went through 8 months of psychosis brought on by marijuana and dealt with this paranoia. I would sometimes spend an hour a day or longer typing belligerent messages to the CIA and NSA in my browser bar and hitting enter, cause I figured the resulting search was being stored and watched. And then I'd go to my closet to make sure the people who could see through my walls wouldn't be able to watch and laugh at me, and cry myself to sleep. The flipside to your comment is that I feel a little more vindicated and sane. If I was a real schizophrenic, my reaction might be the spiral you describe. But I feel that a lot of conspiracy theorists might be a little relieved to have their fears confirmed on some level.