JT, thank you for bringing this to Hubski's attention. This and something similar is really, really bugging me and I'm trying to figure out how to handle it. I think this would be a good place to try to bring it up. I just went on reddit for the first time in a while, and came across an awesome post that put a hearty smile on my face. Then, I read this thread, and it really troubled me, not that it was the first time this has been brought up... but first, let's go back to the front page. Shortly after reading that thread, I saw this post, moreover these comments relating her 'invincibility' from punishment to the "quadcopter girl" who attacked that kid and then had the police arrest him when they showed up based on zero evidence. Surprise surprise, that comment thread ended in a mention of /r/theredpill, and another sub I don't even want to get into. These things really, really trouble me. Both the presence and gravitation towards TRP as well as the fact that what these people are saying about how society would handle the cases is a pretty good bet. Quadcopter girl got probation, for lying to police, falsely accusing a minor of assaulting her right after assaulting that minor. In the first-mentioned askreddit thread, a man was accused of pedophilia for spending time with children at a friends' gathering. It makes me sick.. but let's go back now. I'm not knowledgeable on whatever this subject is to be able to point out or define the issue properly, however: The aforementioned "stories" are serious, real problems in my opinion, so much so that they are perfect recruiting tools for dumps like r/TRP. Al Qaeda couldn't leverage drone strikes on civilians for new recruits as well as TRP leverages the aforementioned shit. I'm not surprised their fanbase is growing. Here's my problem. I don't know what to do about it. I shudder and I grimace at the thought of living in a world where I have to be afraid to talk to kids, or compliment a little girl on her shiny fucking boots. I don't know if this idea, TRP, and the quadcopter girl-esque stories are related, but I think they are somehow. I'm not trying to victimize men but I'm at a loss as to what is happening, and what's going to happen, and what I'm supposed to do when I'm an adult-- a man-- and I have to watch my back constantly from misogynist extremists, a social condemnation of 'manliness', and whatever-the-fuck else is happening that I can't even really explain. I don't know man. But things are going bad and it's starting to stink.