The "red pill" for The Red Pill Little-known fact about Mormon proselytization is that the conversion rate is abysmally low. Perhaps one missionary in ten will convert one person to the Mormon faith, even temporarily. Yet every Mormon male has to go out on his bicycle and knock on doors for months at a time, spreading the good word of Joseph Smith. Why? Show them the light and watch them turn their backs and know, in your heart of hearts, that yours is the only true faith and that the outside world has earned your rejection. It's Cult 101, basically - pitch the world as an us v. them battle of ideology and you will radicalize your followers. There are no fence-sitters in fox holes. Want someone to truly believe what you have to say? Make them fight for your ideals, not theirs. Better yet, make them suffer for them. Once they've martyred themselves for an idea they didn't think of, they're yours forever - make enough of an investment and you can never, ever buy out. Blood oaths are a bitch to administer over the Internet but focused hatred? That shit's eaaaaaaasy. To be clear: the idea that women should be infantilized in order to more easily disrespect them in pursuit of easier casual sex is, in a word, execrable. But that's the point. Look - kids are not learning how to talk to each other any more. They're learning how to interact online. That's no good - major life milestones happen in person. So do major friendships. The Internet is fundamentally devoid of context and body language but chockablock with vocabulary and allegory. If you wanted to communicate through books, the Internet would train you up right. If you wanted to learn how to get a girl's number at the park, the Internet will fail you miserably. So you take these kids that were too busy making Bain memes to learn how to talk to girls and you put them together in a forum. Keep in mind - none of them are getting laid nearly enough. And, since they're witty and clever on a keyboard it obviously isn't their fault, right? So clearly, there must be something wrong with the world. Eventually they figure it out - they've been lied to, the world is not as it seems, they need to unplug from the Matrix so they can treat women like the lolicon hentai they jack off to twice a day. And the fact that the rest of the world disagrees with their approach further cements the notion that theirs is a gnostic wisdom, filled with terrible secrets and mystic powers. Don't fight cults by fighting cult members. I know one of them went completely insane and shot up a dorm. I know lots of others view women as cattle (or worse) and there are entirely too many of them who are more than happy to spread ignorance and misogyny everywhere they go. BUT They aren't Nazis. They aren't Hell's Angels. They aren't Montana Freemen. They're far more pathetic than that. Imagine a mashup between American Pie and American History X. That's the Pillers - angsty teens pissed to the point of curbsmiles over not getting laid. More than anything, they need to be engaged. They need to know that their ideas are stupid, they aren't. You don't shun a cult, you deprogram it. Ideology is not a victimless crime. That said, MEN ONLY. Not only is it less dangerous and distasteful, but we're more likely to be listened to.