You, me and delta seem to have had nearly identical experiences -- it's amazing how die-hard communities sprang up among those early, simplistic games. Remember N game, maybe? To this day I have a couch to sleep on in every major city in Australia if I need it thanks to that little flash game. It's a game that introduced me to people who shaped my youth, my political views, my sense of humor, my taste in movies and music ... I mean it's impossible to understate the impact the early forums I joined when I was 13/14 had on me. I'm a big fan of that phenomenon, for all that the internet takes a lot of shit for corrupting our kids. All I found was a group of people my age and a bit older having intelligent and interesting conversations that we couldn't have elsewhere. I could list a hundred examples of ways those interactions made me a more mature person.Exhibit B is a browser based game I used to play the hell out of in my mid-teens, going from around 5k people playing to less than thirty over the course of a few years as console and mobile gaming picked up.