Fuckiiiiin fuckin, comics, man. I love comics. But I can't believe the drama about Thor being replaced by a woman. Thor being a woman is the least ridiculous thing. Picking up infinity, infinite mass punch, fights with reactions that happen in pico seconds, literally punching holes in reality, Jubilee is a vampire, Kitty Pryde falling through the floor while having sex with colossus...READ THAT ONE AGAIN. Superman bench pressing the earth for a week without sunlight. Those are low end things, if we start going to upper tier characters you're talking about people destroying galaxies in a fight. Or people who can just hold a galaxy in their hand. Or Reed Richard's son who creates a galaxy. Anything dealing with high tier Superman, like, and I'm not making this up, Superman 1 million prime. But a woman being Thor. THAT'S WHERE THE LINE IS BEING DRAWN. I love comics. But comics are already stupid. Granted, a fun kind of stupid, but stupid all the same. Stop making people think it's stupider than it already is.