It isn't, actually. Not ever. Not in any court in the land, not in any form of conversation, not in any definition anywhere. In legal engagements they can complicate settlements if you're stupid: That's not an apology, that's an admission of lawbreaking. The fact that they tell you not to apologize for anything is that lawyers suspect you're too flustered to have a clue what you're doing. Yet you have this whole "guilt" thing about apologies. It's weird, frankly. And you only touch on it long enough to get back to your point, which isn't the discussion we're having, which is that you don't understand apologies. You should try to understand apologies. Not for here, but for your life in general. The idea that you should only ever apologize if you're guilty of wrongdoing probably fucks you a lot more than you even know.An apology is an admission of guilt.
f you jump out of your car and blurt out, "I'm so sorry I ran that red light! Is everyone okay?" you may back yourself into a corner in terms of legal liability for what happened.