It's like this: Imagine New Jersey was a nuclear power. Pennsylvania, Delaware, New York, Connecticut, North Carolina and, bizarrely, Texas have invaded ad attempted to annihilate it in the past but due to complex treaty arrangements and more than a little chutzpah, New Jersey stands. Unfortunately, the people of Newark used to be the people of New Jersey and they resent being confined to a walled slum. Every now and then tensions boil up and the Newarkians launch rockets into the surrounding boroughs. New Jersey, maintaining a military capable of fending off an invasion from any three neighboring states, has ample ability to level Newark in a day. However, this would be an international human rights catastrophe and unabashed genocide. Texas knows this so it foments "Texas-style" unrest at all the honkeytonks in Newark. There's no possible way it's not going to be extremely fucked up. Even the least bad option is a human rights disaster.