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veen  ·  3809 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Why Automakers Should Fear Google's Driverless Car

Thanks, kb! I'll do my best to fulfill your expectation. :)

    murkily-reported and probably the most important/disruptive technological advancement we're likely to see in our lifetimes.

Part of me still fears it ends up like a Segway.

I've read his 7-part series on self-driving cars he wrote last year (first link of the article). While he uses way too many words to make his argument, he's got a lot of interesting points, and he connects this technology with the arguments in his book. Bought it, I'll try and read it this week. Maybe the gist of the book is woven into the 7-parter, but for only a dollar I'd be happy to find that out.