I keep returning to the feeling that we must reject and deconstruct racial identity in all forms, positive and negative. Of course, I am an affluent white American male, and thus, people assume that my opinions are representative of people that look like me; but, that is their bias, not mine. Anything that might be described as an affinity between me and those that are physically similar is based upon assumptions. I get onto a bus with one white guy and one black guy. Who do I have the most in common with? Which one am I most likely to get along with? Any assumption is unfair to everyone on the bus. The white guy might like football, and the black guy might like to play Magic the Gathering. Or maybe it's the black guy that likes football, and the white guy that likes MtG. I don't give a shit about your skin proteins, I want to play some MtG and I don't want to chew the fat about an excuse for beer commercials. What if I get on the bus and MtG-playing white guy gives me a nod of solidarity? Fuck that, all possibilities are polluted by stupid "Hey, we have the same skin color!" white guy. I don't want to play MtG when it looks like a statement of racial solidarity, and I don't want to talk football with black guy as a statement against it. Maybe I get lucky and black guy likes MtG, so I can reject racism with a discard deck. What if black guy gives me an overt "Hey, don't worry about me white guy!" gesture? Do I have to talk football instead of playing MtG so I don't snub his effort for racial harmony? Wait, did black guy frown at me? Fuck. One shitty thing about racial identity, is that someone else's exercise of it defines my interactions against my will. If you aren't open to bond with me, then I am grouped with other people you don't want to bond with like oil droplets in water. If you preferentially bond with me, then you've done the opposite, which is no better. It would be great if we could just replace all talk of skin color with birth month. Then we would all clearly appear as the fucking idiots that we are.