I'd actually like an answer to this question: why doesn't Microsoft care? I'm having a hard time coming up with an instance where Microsoft didn't trip first and then find a pie to faceplant in later. - M$ Bob - Win CE - This horrible piece of shit http://www.remotecentral.com/take/tc1.gif - DocX - Windows Phone(tm) - The Zune - The Surface Okay. They established a beachhead with the Xbox. BUT they spent $500m in marketing and lost $125 per device. So establishing that beachhead cost them a mere $875m. By 2005, the XBox division was $4bln in the hole. It looks like they've made a billion dollars since - which means they're now only $3bln in the hole. but they kinda shit the bed with the XB1. I don't know of any other company with as much IP, with as much skilled and talented developers, with as many outright failures as microsoft. A friend of a friend moved to the UK to promote the XB1 for Microsoft. And as soon as sales figures started lagging, they laid him off. It's frankly baffling. How can any company suck so hard for so long?