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galen · 3793 days ago · link · · parent · post: What event has caused you, if ever, to have a major conceptual shift in your way of thinking? / Have you ever lost your religion?
Mine's a lot less dramatic than some of the answers already here, but about 2 years ago I stopped being a Christian. Basically for as long as I've been able to think critically about my own beliefs, I've understood intellectually that there's no rational reason to be religious. I struggled with this for a long time. I didn't want to believe in God, since it didn't make sense to, but for some time I had an overwhelming feeling that Christianity was true, so I believed. Then a couple years ago, and I can't say exactly what triggered it (although it might have something to do with the end of a period of consistently feeling lonely and powerless), I realized one day that that feeling was just gone. So I stopped believing in God.