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rob05c  ·  3772 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Watches, Wearables & You (and me)

Technology is finally at the point where wearables—both watches and Google Glass—are feasible in terms of size and weight.

Unfortunately, I suspect 'small and light' isn't enough.

There was a time when a music player watch would have been enough. But now our iPods have been replaced by iPhones. Can an iWatch take bluetooth calls? In a few years.

But my phone also plays games, and browses the web, and gives GPS maps and directions. For those, you simply need a +10cm screen. Phone input sucks; if the wearable offered that, that's another fulfillable need; but it doesn't.

I'm predicting the iWatch will get fanboy attention, but not critical mass, and go the way of the Newton. Wearables will eventually achieve critical mass, in 5-10 years. When they're able to offer large fold-out screens, or Kinect-style motion-sensing typing.

Combine the iWatch with this and this and one of these and you're on to something. 2024. I called it.