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I don't have a video yet but I can definitely produce a slam poem...

America is a giant strip mall. Wal Mart, K Mart,

Mcdonalds, Seven-Eleven, Dunkin Donuts, Dollar Tree….

you know the names, you know them by heart.

You know them a lot better than the

Bill of Rights or the name of your Congressmen

and even if you claim not to know, you know

for who can go five miles without seeing

a dry cleaners, a pizzeria, a Chinese place and a phone store

all crammed together in a corner on the side of the road.

The American Strip Mall is embedded in our heads from

birth, it’s baseball, it’s mom’s apple pie,

it’s the core of our consumer culture and it grows each and every day.

Who ever said no to another strip mall? Another Seven-Eleven…

Another Walgreens…Another Applebees..bring it on

they say for we live and we die in these places.

Seriously name me one American that doesn’t

know the existence of a strip mall? Name me one American.

Name me one American. They’re in our

TV shows, our books, our movies and our magazines.

Anywhere and everywhere there is a strip mall waiting for you.

For where else can you get your chapstick, your lipstick,

your romance novels, your pizzas, your cigarettes and

your insurance policies? Do not fear the strip mall, embrace it,

for it’s always there for you giving you what you want,

giving you what you need for life can be a bummer

but the American Strip Mall is always there with

it’s new deals and it’s new openings. And those deals

are oh so sweet, how can one resist. America, America,

the land of the free and the land of the strip mall.

We fight for the strip mall. We bleed for the strip mall.

We die for the strip mall. I know it sounds insane

but it’s true when you really think about it.

For what is our consumer culture without it’s strip malls?

Kohl’s, Barnes & Noble, Pep Boys, Gamestop,

Pathmark, Dollar General, Sears, Starbucks and so

many more countless, nameless restaurants, liquor

stores, drugstores, shoe stores, clothing stores,

smoke shops and other stores that are all crammed

together in a corner on the side of the road

waiting and waiting for you for these are the

places you need to be at. Remember America is a

giant strip mall and you’re in it whether you like

it or not.