I mentioned it before during IRC but I have no idea what I want to do in terms of a degree right now so I'm not in the beeest place in that regard. I know it's not Computer Science, which sucks considering how much of my life I threw at it, but, whatever. Talking with my Therapist has been nice, especially because my decision stems from a LOT of baggage from earlier in my life that I needed to talk out with someone anyways. Going to see apparently our school's very best Advisor later this week, just to consider my options. I don't actually feel bad, though. Recognizing that I don't want to do this has made me much, much happier, even if it changes things for me. And other than that, things are pretty good. Super Smash Bros. comes out on Friday (HYPE), I love my current job, I plan on volunteering with my College Radio soon, and it is Eid-Al-Fitr, which means I get to fast on Friday and then celebrate the Holiday with the Mom and Sister Units. Huzzah.