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iammyownrushmore  ·  3801 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Look At This: What Do Homeless Vets Look Like?  ·  

Pabs, don't do it.

I've given this advice before, I'll give it again forever.

I've had 5 friends go into the military, only 1 of them came out okay. Not better, but okay. The rest in no particular order:

1) Extreme PTSD, still lives with his parents and acts like he's 17. He's 31 now.

2) Came home from the early Iraq days to be with his GF and his child after having an IED blow up 20 feet away from him, embedding shrapnel in his forehead and killing one of his buddies. Finally kicked heroin a few years ago.

3) Went in a kind young man, goofy as all get-out. Came back an unabashed racist and sexist asshole, constantly aggressive, and condemning me for being a "liberal pussy faggot"

4) On-again-off-again homeless, self-aware alcoholic with a penchant for the occasional meth binder

There is nothing waiting for you in the military, in a war zone or when you come home. There is no positive benefit that is worth it. You will be disciplined into being fodder. Your companionship and camaraderie with your fellow soldiers stems from your shared suffering.

Those in charge will make you into a sheep on the altar and have no problem slitting your throat.

No, no no, a thousand times no.

    gaining strength, discipline, character

Those are just taglines. You are a lovely young man, you have plenty of character. Discipline? It's pretty self-explanatory, it's all about practice. Strength? For what? How to deal with a friend lying bloody next to you? How to avoid constant threat of sexual assault? How to be a fantastic team player?

What are you expecting to get out of military service?

If you must, at least figure out a way to stay far away from combat. That's the advice I gather from the one guy who made it out okay.