I love this piece. That said, as hard as I get for any kind of political or economical revolution in my country I'm extremely pessimistic. Things degrade ever so slowly here. The elite are like the two bulls up on the hill. They're fucking us gently. You don't break a guy's kneecaps, you cut off his pinky. You make him fear for his life but you don't take it. The Great Recession was a highwater mark for greed and while we guillotined a few Kings and Queens the rest just waited for the dust to settle and got back to Bizness. Things aren't getting better. We're a child who got their broken toy taken away and given back later when we appreciated it more, except they're breaking it a little more every day. People are fucking terrified of poverty. I know I am. So we stop asking for a raise. We stop asking for a better job. We try to save every penny because we know retirement isn't guaranteed. We accept this broken promise of an American Dream that's dying an excruciating death. We feel blessed just to get that. And why not? We have our phones and our internet and our television and our music and our bars and our food and our imaginary sense that we're all going to make it in a big way any day now. Meanwhile the bulls are closing the distance a little bit at a time. The Occupy Movement? They laughed at us from their highrises. We can't touch them. I suppose we could have an Arab Spring if we really wanted one. It would mean a very bold line being crossed. Something that even the weakest coward could not stand. I worry they're much too patient for that. And who's going to fight them? You? Me? We've got rent to pay. Cars we're paying off. That's the key I think. Give them just enough to lose to not bother playing. Sorry if this came off conspiritard. My days off are wonderfully soulful and before I know it I'm back in the abyss. I'm angry. I wish more people were.