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maxwell  ·  3647 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: The End of Apps as we Know Them

    Imagine that you can scroll horizontally, and that shows you more content from the same source. So on a Facebook post, that is effectively your newsfeed presented horizontally rather than vertically.

I don't think it makes sense to access a single content publisher by swiping left or right on your vertical card feed. I would prefer the left/right swipe to be reserved for navigating to entirely new card feeds sorted by business/entertainment/business 2/family etc. If you really wanted to see stuff from a single publisher, surely you'd just tap the card and go through into the actual app?

Definitely agree with the basic premise though. My twitter notifications already kinda work like that on my Android, and I really like doing stuff straight from the notifications bar.