Ok, I’ll bite. I would think the direct word of Edsger Dijkstra should carry more weight than some arbitrary decision of an obscure language designer and his unknown fanboy blogger. It didn’t. He keeps poor company. Why we started doesn’t matter; only why we continued. The “post-facto” claim is unprovable and irrefutable. He could as easily claim the primality of 1 is a “historical artifact” and 1 ought to be composite. Unfortunately for him, the existence of linear time does not make mathematical axioms “historical artifacts” rather than products of reason. There are reasons 1 is not prime, and there are reasons numbering and indexing should begin with 0. I find it hard to believe anyone can write any amount of pointer arithmetic in both one- and zero-based indexing languages, and not quickly recognize zero-based indexing as superior. I’m speaking from experience. It seems more likely he has seldom written any kind of pointer arithmetic. Wikipedia does a good job of empirically describing why zero-based indexing is mathematically simpler. What is right is often not intuitive. Case in point: the Monty Hall Problem. His "we" doesn't describe any programmers I know. It kinda sounds like he's surrounded himself with imbeciles and decided himself wise.
“Too dumb to rise to the level of wrong?” Edsger Dijkstra? Really? This is only really true of Java (to use a wide, ugly brush). No one with any kind of programming language theory, or who's ever used LISP, thinks these things are new. There are new developments in programming language theory. See: Haskell, Rust. Let me address a concrete example. C doesn't have foreach because it requires keeping track of a container's size. You have to know where to stop. C arrays don't have a length, unless they're declared on the stack, and even then only if you have the original declaration (i.e. haven't passed it to a function). C is a performant language, and including that length is unacceptable. Additionally, what if I say "int b[5];int* a = b+1;". What's the size of a? Are you going to do another add to track the length? Or perhaps you’d rather dynamically subtract the length in the foreach, which means you need a pointer to the original. Pointer arithmetic just got way more expensive. Good luck deallocating those too. By the way, foreach macros for static arrays are trivial. Backus' article isn’t talking about alternative architectures, it’s talking about higher-level software abstractions. But I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt, and assume it was a typo. That article was written in 1978. LISP was invented in 1958. Lambda Calculus was invented in 1936. Those higher-level abstractions have always been around (and Backus knew it). Programmers like him simply aren’t willing to ascend the learning curve. In fact, LISP is the source of most of the “innovations” programmers like him who have only ever written ALGOL derivatives are surprised to find “in 45-year-old demo code.” I think it’s clear he has little understanding of basic mathematics, computer science theory, language theory, or the recent progress made in language theory. He abounds in irrefutable opinions (most of which are categorically wrong, to my anecdotal experience), but nearly every concrete fact he states is wrong. In this particular instance, he found a bit of historical trivial, decided existing practice is entirely ignorant, and decried all other programmers as, No, it’s really just him. He should stop learning history, and start learning Haskell, Common Lisp, Rust, Fortran, and C. Then have a discussion about language theory.I would think direct word from the designer of the first ever 0-indexed programming language that all other 0-indexed languages descend from should carry more weight than some post-hoc justification from the 80s
if your answer started with “because in C…”
the technical reason we started counting arrays at zero
The usual arguments involving pointer arithmetic and incrementing by sizeof(struct) and so forth describe features that are nice enough once you’ve got the hang of them, but they’re also post-facto justifications.
to a typical human thinking about the zeroth element of an array doesn’t make any more sense than trying to catch the zeroth bus
we’re a lot more superstitious
We tell and retell
there are dozens of other arguments for zero-indexing involving “natural numbers” or “elegance” or some other unresearched hippie voodoo nonsense that are either wrong or too dumb to rise to the level of wrong.
approaches we call part of “modern” programming if we attempt them at all, sitting abandoned in 45-year-old demo code
How many off-by-one disasters could we have avoided if the “foreach” construct that existed in BCPL had made it into C?
wondering if we can get away from Von Neumann architecture
Whatever programmers think about themselves and these towering logic-engines we’ve erected, we’re a lot more superstitious than we realize. We tell and retell this collection of unsourced, inaccurate stories about the nature of the world without ever doing the research ourselves, and there’s no other word for that but “mythology”. Worse, by obscuring the technical and social conditions that led humans to make these technical and social decisions, by talking about the nature of computing as we find it today as though it’s an inevitable consequence of an immutable set of physical laws, we’re effectively denying any responsibility for how we got here. And worse than that, by refusing to dig into our history and understand the social and technical motivations for those choices, by steadfastly refusing to investigate the difference between a motive and a justification, we’re disavowing any agency we might have over the shape of the future. We just keep mouthing platitudes and pretending the way things are is nobody’s fault, and the more history you learn and the more you look at the sad state of modern computing the the more pathetic and irresponsible that sounds.
the more history you learn